28 July 2022

Greenhouse Gas Monitoring System

Methane, CH4, and Carbon Dioxide, CO2, are two prominent "greenhouse" gases which have an impact on global warming.
A Methane sensor, type MQ-4, and a Carbon Dioxide sensor, type MQ-135, together with an ESP32 microcontroller are being used to measure the concentration ( in parts per million/billion ppm/ppb ) of these gases in the atmosphere. Measurements are sent every 15 minutes to cloud hosted repositories, ( "thingspeak.com" and "ubidots.com" ), for display and analysis.
Prototype system during development, left MQ-4, right MQ-135
Only the sensors are deployed outdoors, in a protective enclosure. The microcontroller is situated indoors for reliable WiFi connectivity and convenience when uploading the software.
Sensors deployed outdoors
A channel having public access is available for viewing the data on ThingSpeak. Search for channels belonging to user ID "spacerlabs". Select "Greenhouse Gas Monitor".