16 March 2022


A "LoRa" ( Long Range )  wireless data link had already been used in a previous project to collect soil moisture data; but was not joined to a LoRa WAN network, in which nodes ( end-devices e.g. sensors ) are connected to gateways which then connect to the network server where the data from the end-device can be displayed and accessed by other applications for long-term storage and visualisation.
The public "TheThingsNetwork (TTN)" global IoT LoRaWAN network with the "Things Stack Community edition" server were used to test the possibility of connecting a node comprising a TTGO LoRa32v2 development board, before designing future projects with sensors. Only a short text message was to be sent; "TTGOLoRa32v2 node test".
The message was successfully received by a gateway 6kms away and forwarded to the server.
The upper image shows the experimental node in a temporary location by a window. The lower image is a partial screen capture of the live data on the server console.
TTGO LoRa32v2 node successfully joined TTN

Live data from the TTGO LoRa32 node on the Things Stack server
For more information on TheThingsNetwork visit https://thethingsnetwork.org
IoT = Internet of Things

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